
A selection of projects that I'm not too ashamed of

Penetration Testing on Virtual Machine

Penetration Testing on Virtual Machine

The aim of the project was to identify vulnerabilities in the virtual machine and then exploit them in order to assess its security. The entire process was described through various documents, containing all the details for replicability.



Android/iOS App developed with Unity + Vuforia. It is an educational game that simulate a xylophone thanks to augmented reality.

Driver Drowsiness Detection System

Driver Drowsiness Detection System

This is a project carried out as a part of the exam "Fondamenti di Data Science & Machine Learning". The main goal of the project was to build a CNN network that was able to predict if a driver was tired and his eyes were closing given a frame of a live stream video. We built a live demo able to predict that in real-time, warning the user with a sound and an alert if his eyes were closing. The Python language was used for the implementation, Anaconda was used as a managing platform.



AgeReg was a project carried out as a part of the exam "Fondamenti di Visione Artificiale e Biometria". The main goal of the project was to build a CNN network that was able to predict the user's age given its photo. In addiction, we built a live demo able to predict the age in real-time. The Python language was used for the implementation, Anaconda was used as a managing platform.

NoSQL Movie Database

NoSQL Movie Database

Web application to manage movies saved in a MongoDB database. Backend language: Java. Frontend languages: HTML, CSS, Javascript. Server: Apache Tomcat



UCare was an internship project for the Computer Science's degree. We proposed a system that helped the management of sick people, creating a "virtual medical record" that connected family, doctors and caregivers. We built an Apache Cordova app and a website to use the system.



RecyclApp was a project carried out as a part of the exam "Human Computer Interaction". The main goal of the project was to build an Android app that could be useful to help solve an everyday problem. We built an app to raise awareness of recycling, proposing a system that decreased taxes on waste for the deserving citizens.



GamesHub was a university project made for " Web Development Technologies" course, held at University of Salerno in 2018. It was an e-commerce platform for selling video games with simple and clear graphics. Technologies: Java, JSP, HTML, CSS, Javascript and JQuery, AJAX, JSON. Unit, Integration and Security test (SQLi / Privilege Escalation). Technologies for testing: JUnit, XUnit, Selenium. The IDE used was "Eclipse" and the website was hosted on "Apache Tomcat" server.